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CalCat! Ver 2.0
By : Bart Flentje
1718 Hickory Hill
Eagan, MN 55122
CalCat! is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied as to the merchantability or fitness
of purpose. The risk as to the quality and performance of the
software is the end user's. The Author shall have no liability
or responsibility to the user with respect to the liability, loss
or damage caused or alleged to be caused by this software,
including, but not limited to, any interruption of service, loss
of business or anticipatory profits or consequential damages
resulting from the use of, or the inability to use the software.
The information in this document is subject to change without
notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the
Copying and Distribution:
CalCat! may be copied and distributed freely. If you
distribute CalCat! on communications systems such as BBS or
CompuServe, The Source, Genie, etc, you must include all
of the files as a set (using ARC, ZIP, LZH, PAK, etc.)
CalCat! is COPYRIGHTED and no modification may be made. It will
be a violation to use unregistered versions past authorized date.
It is also a violation to distribute registered versions.
CalCat! is NOT public domain, it is SHAREWARE. That means that
you have to pay registration fees ($7.00) if you use CalCat! on
your BBS in any way or form. The registration cost is minimal and
and considered to be below market standards. Registration fee will
allow the author to write new and improved versions of CalCat!.
Please note that the unregistered version is the same as the
registered version except that the unregistered version expires on
Feb 28, 1993 or until next release to be determined by author at any
time and is subject to change without notice. Registering your
software will give you unlimited usage with no expiration. Also by
registering your software you will be supporting the latest release
that is presently being developed.
Description of files:
- CALCAT.DOC (This documentation)
- CCFIG.EXE (**** No longer used!! ****************)
- CALCAT21.EXE (The CalCat! program file to be run as event)
- CALCAT.BAT (Sample batch file to start CalCat! event)
- CALCAT.CFG (Sample .CFG file to see format. Use CCFIG)
- ONOFF.LST (Text file needed to turn holidays on & off)
- ADDHOL.LST (Text file to add your own holidays)
- RELEASE.DOC (Version release information and history)
- HOLISCRN.ZIP (Archive file containing 204 holiday screens)
What is CalCat! ?
CalCat! is a screen swapping utility written specifically for
Wildcat! 3.+ BBS software. CalCat! is a screen swapper that knows
holidays. It swaps in holiday display screens to a specified
display file when current date happens to be a holiday. Beyond
that, it also allows you to randomly swap of up to 100 other
screens on a non-holiday day! CalCat! is easy to setup and is to
be run as an event (prefered) or as postcall.bat by Wildcat!.
It is recommended that event be setup for once each day preferably
in the late, late morning to late night callers are aware of new daily
changes. There are two sets of screens for CalCat!. CalCat! now
allows for both @code@ and ANSI screens in one program. This can
be controlled in the configuration file.
How to install CalCat! ?
To install CalCat! follow these steps:
to the directory where your event will run from. ex (C:\WC30\EVENT1\)
B. Inside this directory, make a sub directory for your screens. Unzip
HOLISCRN.ZIP to that sub directory that you just created.
Here is an example of how my directory looks...
Volume in drive C is MAX1!
Volume Serial Number is 18DB-9CAD
Directory of C:\WC30\EVENT1
. <DIR> 08-28-92 2:07p
.. <DIR> 08-28-92 2:07p
ONOFF LST 2158 10-31-92 11:58a
ADDHOL LST 32 10-18-92 5:18p
CALCAT CFG 93 10-31-92 5:39p
CALCAT21 EXE 76162 10-31-92 12:01p
CALCAT BAT 12 10-31-92 12:02p
CALCAT DOC 8138 10-31-92 5:53p
SCREENS <DIR> 10-31-92 10:07a <- Unzip screens here.
11 file(s) 151459 bytes
17217536 bytes free
C. Be sure to be into your event directory and now we'll modify your
.CFG file to suit your needs. Jump into your favorite text
editor and load CALCAT.CFG.
Bart Flentje <------------ Sysop's First and Last Name
The Bad Place BBS <------- Name of BBS
HELLO9 <------------------ Title of Target Holiday Screen
C:\WC30\EVENT1\SCREENS\ <- Path of Source Holiday Screens
C:\WC30\DISP\ <----------- Path to Display Screens
@ <----------------------- Screen Code Type
3 <----------------------- Number of Screens to Swap on Non-Holiday
WCLOGO.BBS <-----------
USRLOGO.SCR <------------- Title of Screens for autoswap
BARTMAN.BBS <----------
Line #1: This is the first and last name of sysop.
Line #2: The name of your BBS.
Line #3: This is the name of the screen you want to write the
holiday screen to. This can be HELLOX., GOODBYE., or
PRELOG. One thing to note is that you may NOT want to use
the PRELOG. screen as your holiday screen because some of
your users may not have ANSI. Recommended is any HELLOX.
NO postfix is necessary here. REMEMBER, NO postfix and
NO period. If you forget this Wildcat may not be able
to read in your screen.
Line #4: This is the path of where CalCat! will find your holiday
Line #5: This is the path of where CalCat! will right your holiday
Line #6: This is the screen code. Use an '@' for attribute screens or
an 'A' for ANSI screens. If this code is wrong it will
assume attribute screens. This code specifies the type
of holiday screens to use.
Line #7: Put the number of screens to randomly swap here. A '0' will
result in the CalCat! title screen to be copied. A '1' will
mean that just one screen will always be copied on a non
holiday instead of a random swap. For any number greater
than 1, it will randomly choose from number inserted here.
Line #8: Line 8 and all lines following must contain the names of
of screens to randomly swap on non-holidays. These
titles MUST have the appropriate postfix. You can now mix
both attribute screens and ANSI screens. Just be sure that
postfix is .BBS or .SCR and CalCat! will automatically read
it in. Be sure that you have the same amount of screen
titles as the number in line #7.
That should do it for the configuration file.
II. Edit the CALCAT.BAT file to reflect the path to where you have
elected to store the CalCat! execution program. Put it whereever
you place your event bats.
III. Set up event in SYSOP menu area of Wildcat! BBS using the
CALCAT.BAT sample file. Run once per day preferably at say
12:01 A.M. Once installed properly, event only takes
approximately 5 seconds to run so will not interfere with incoming
IV. You can now turn holidays on and off without removing them from
the screen directory. This can be done using the file ONOFF.LST.
ON -ST. PATRICK'S DAY <----- Example of holiday a turned on.
OF -APRIL FOOL'S DAY <------ Example of holiday a turned off.
| |
| |
V V Just change the 'N' to 'F' and
ON -VALENTINE'S DAY your holiday will turned off.
This file must exist in directory or all holidays will be assumed on!
V. Adding your own holidays is done by modifying the ADDHOL.LST file.
1018BFBD <--- This represents October 18th BFBD.SCR !
0710CFBD <--- This represents July 10th CFBD.SCR !
-- |
--| |--------- Four character screen title. This is the
| | title of your custom holiday screen. Note
| | there is no postfix here. On the actual
| | file there must be a .BBS or .SCR depending
| | on the screen code used in .CFG file. If you
| | used a @ symbol in .CFG file then your custom
| | screens must be .BBS, same idea for ANSI.
| |
| |------------ This is the day of the holiday. Note that it
| is two digits. If your holiday is on the 1st
| day of a month, then be sure to use '01'.
|-------------- This is the month of your holiday. Note that
it is two digits. If your holiday happens to
be in February, be sure to use '02'.
Remember, if you have problems setting up CalCat!, first check the
sample files that I have sent with this. If that doesn't work feel
free to contact me on the MSI BBS or call me voice at: 612-686-6276.
Last minute features added:
- To get a list of specific dates of all holidays during the year,
use the switch 'list' after the name. It will list them by their
database number, month, day, year, and their four character title.
(This feature will be improved in next update.)
For example: CALCAT21 LIST
- To check to see if more than one holiday lands on the same day
use the switch 'check'. (This feature to be improved next update.)
For example: CALCAT21 CHECK
** Obviously DO NOT put these switches in your batch file!!!